Expanded Traumatic Episode Protocol (E-TEP) Protocol
EMDR Expanded Traumatic Episode Protocol (E-TEP ) Protocol
September 29th, 2024 9am-5pm EDT
Eastern Daylight Time US (find your time zone here)
Presenters: Brurit Laub, Ph.D, and Keren Mintz-Malchi, Ph.D
Joined by Dr. Karen Alter-Reid for Practicum Facilitation
Skill Level: Advanced
6.5 EMDRIA Credits Program #17019-83
6.5 CEs (Connect is an Approved Provider with APA and NBCC)
See below for full CE information
Prerequisite: Participants must have completed EMDR Basic Training with an approved training provider within their region (EMDRIA, EMDR Europe, etc.).
What is the E-TEP or "Sandwich" Protocol?:
The Expanded Traumatic Episode/Event Protocol (E-TEP)is an innovative evolution of the traditional Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP). It encourages more theme-related processing and adaptive shifts that may generalize well beyond the event or point of disturbance that is initially targeted.
Developed by Brurit Laub and Keren Mintz-Malchi, the E-TEP is a somatically and relationally focused protocol. A powerful tool for resolving recent traumas, it also facilitates movement towards the transformation of core maladaptive themes, and thus transformation of the self. It offers a unique combination of focused and resourced processing enveloped by two transformative resources which create a “sandwich effect”, making it ideal not just for early trauma intervention, but also for use with more fragile clients, dissociative clients, and those with CPTSD and complex presentations. It can also be used to process non-episodic past, present, and future targets.
Why Learn the E-TEP?
Like R-TEP and other EMDR Early Intervention Protocols, E-TEP features focused, contained processing that can be delivered to reduce and prevent symptoms immediately after traumatic events. However, it differs in its emphasis on:
- An active therapeutic presence, with somatic and relational interweaves and powerful dialectics between therapist and client.
- Linkage of the recent episode with previous unresolved memories and related core maladaptive themes.
- Creation of two unique resources, the Resource Connection Envelope and the Narrative Resource, which are used both to provide safety and to move the client toward a sense of integration and wholeness within their most authentic self.
- Development of broader Positive Cognitions that have the power to transform core maladaptive themes, rather than that just single traumatic incidents.
- Process-oriented clinical decision-making rather than content oriented procedures. (Can move from highly focused processing of recent traumas to broader associative processing of memories that are already consolidated but not fully resolved.)
Whether you are already trained in another EMDR Early Intervention Protocol or just getting started in this arena, E-TEP training can help you develop a holistic and relationally oriented approach to focused processing - both for particular traumatic events and within the context of more comprehensive therapy with complex presentations.
History of the E-TEP:
The EMDR Expanded Traumatic Episode/Event Protocol (E-TEP) or “Sandwich Protocol,” came about through a joint collaboration which sought to address the need for providing a short, resourced EMDR intervention for medical personnel during the onset of the COV-19 crisis in Israel. It was quickly integrated into a teletherapy intervention program at a central Israeli Psychiatric hospital, tailored for victims of childhood sexual abuse who were showing a deterioration of symptoms as a result of the Coronavirus’ effect on day-to-day life. Its ability to address acute and complex case presentations paved the way to its further utilization with a wide group of populations, especially more fragile ones.
Since its introduction, the protocol has been used successfully with many clients for a range of traumatic memories, including non-episodic present, future and past targets. It has been presented internationally for several years, including at the 2023 EMDR Europe Conference in Bologna, Italy.
About this Course:
In this one-day training, Brurit and Keren will use lecture, video clips, and a guided practicum to provide participants with knowledge and applicable skills. Participants will learn:
- The structure of the protocol
- Recommended situations for implementing the E-TEP,
- How to develop two powerful "sandwiching" resources
- Back-to-target strategies
- Unique interweaves.
Dr. Karen Alter-Reid will be present to assist in guiding extensive hands-on practicum sessions.
Besides the many E-TEP workshops which have been given in these past years in Israel, Brurit and Keren have presented E-TEP internationally, including presenting parts of the protocol at the 23rd EMDR Europe Conference in Bologna, Italy.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain how EMDR Early Intervention protocols can be modified for use with recent traumatic events, within long-term therapy, and with complex PTSD.
- Create two specific containment resources for use before and after focused processing.
- Use appropriate somatic, dialectical, and relational interweaves during reprocessing:
- Identify key differences between the R-TEP, E-TEP and standard EMDR protocol.
(all times reflect US Eastern Daylight Time - find time zone info here )
9:00 am – 9:15am – Sign On, Welcome
9:15 am – 11:00 am – Lecture and videos
11:00 am – 11:15 am – Break
11:15 am –12:30 pm – Lecture and Videos
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – Lunch/Dinner/Tea Break
1:30 pm – 4:30pm – Guided Practicum with 10 minute break
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Discussion, Q&A
Virtual Format:
Please note this is a Live, Virtual training and includes a significant practicum segment. It will not be available for delayed viewing. Full attendance with camera on and engagement in practicum are required. Training materials and handouts will be available electronically through our learning management system.
Fees: $190.00
About the Presenters:
Brurit Laub, PhD
She developed a Resource Connection Envelope (RCE) and presented it in Israel and abroad. She developed with Elan Shapiro the EMDR R-TEP (Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol). She developed with Keren Mintz-Malchi the Expanded Traumatic Episode/Event Protocol (E-TEP). or the "Sandwich" Protocol.
She is Co-recipient with Elan Shapiro of the David Servan-Schreiber award for contribution to EMDR from the University of Lorraine, Metz. She has presented workshops about the Dialectical Perspective and the Healing Space - from the vulnerable child to the authentic essence in Israel, USA, and in EMDR conferences abroad.
She co-authored “Co-Therapy with Individuals, Families and Groups” (1994) and “Innovative Interventions in Psychotherapy” (2006). She also co-authored several articles on the dialectical model and on EMDR R-TEP.
Keren Mintz-Malchi, PhD
Aside from private practice, she serves as the director of the Marital and Family Therapy Trauma Clinic and co-director of the Sex Therapy Clinic at Lev Hasharon Mental Health Medical Center, Israel. She is a senior faculty member at the School of Social Work at Ariel University, where she teaches clinically oriented courses.
Cancellation policy
Full refund minus credit card processing fees for cancellations prior to two weeks before the start of the training (Sunday, September 15, 2024).
No refunds given after that time.*
ADA Assistance
Our in-person trainings are held in facilities that are in compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Please contact Claire at Claire@ConnectEMDR.com or (407) 970-7915 if accommodation is required for this online training.
Statement of Proactive Commitment to Inclusion & Diversity
Connect welcomes trainees and consultees from all cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual and gender orientations. We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all trainees and consultees, including Black People, People of Color, Indigenous People, and LGBTQ People. We pledge to proactively address issues of cultural competence and culturally-based trauma during every phase of professional development.
Connect is approved by:
- The American Psychological Association (APA). Connect is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Connect maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
- The National Board of Certified Counselors. Connect has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7534
- The California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by nationally recognized certifying bodies, such as APA, to satisfy renewal requirements.
Attendance Requirement
Connect seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to make every attempt to resolve grievances in a fair manner. Please submit a written grievance to
info@ConnectEMDR.com Grievances would receive, to the best of our ability, corrective action in order to prevent further problems.
There is no known conflict of interest nor commercial support for this program.
Dr. Brurit Laub
Dr. Keren Mintz Malchi
Contact us
- Claire Mauer
- in••••o@con••••r.com
- Advanced Training
- E-TEP Training